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Environmental Assessment

What are the sources (“whodunit”)

What is the transport mechanism and pathway

How old is the release (when did it happen)

What are the affected media (soil, groundwater, sediment)?

What is the extent of contamination?

Conceptual Site Model

The Bodhi Group approaches Environmental Site Assessment with the goal of site closure with the least effort (lowest expense) and minimal remediation (as a last resort).

Some of these questions can be addressed by leveraging existing data using relational databases and GIS. The Bodhi Group has successfully closed cases using this strategy and without field effort.

  • If field investigation is required, the Bodhi Group utilizes traditional and innovative technology tools
  • Geophysical surveys: ground penetrating radar, time-domain electromagnetic resonance, high resistivity profile (Sting), cable detection
  • Soil and groundwater borings: Hollow Stem Auger, Direct Push
  • Hydraulic Hammer, Mud Rotary, Air Percussion, Sonic Drilling, ROST, LIF, CPT, Trenching
  • Soil gas: Dynamic sampling, permanent gas probes, flux chamber, indoor air measurements
  • Groundwater: Temporary well points, permanent wells, low flow sampling, Passive Diffusion Bag, Centrifuge samples
  • Sediment: surface grab, piston core

Example projects:

San Diego County Water Authority On-Call Environmental Services
Oakland Global and Outer Harbor Intermodal Terminal

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