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Landfill Assessment, Audits, and Monitoring

Siting a landfill

Designing a landfill

Recycling at a landfill

Waste characterization

Auditing an incinerator

Landfill gas probe

The Bodhi Group assists clients who own and operate landfills as well as clients generating waste and evaluating a suitable landfill for disposal.

Services provided by the Bodhi Group include:

  • Evaluating landfill siting (geologic setting, permeability, isolation from groundwater, proximity to faults, liner, leachate and gas collection systems, and cut-off walls/grout curtains, if needed
  • Evaluating landfill Subtitle D permit, solid waste facility permit, air permit, CERCLA “Off-Site” rule permit, regulatory inspections, notice of violations, and corrective actions
  • Evaluating financial solvency, and closure and post-closure financial assurance, insurance coverage for the facility
  • Evaluating landfill procedures for profiling, accepting, tracking (cell), and documenting Special Waste (contaminated soil)
  • Evaluating daily cover, and dust, odor, debris, and rodent control
  • Evaluating leachate collection and control, perimeter gas monitoring and collection, storm water controls, and detection/evaluation groundwater monitoring programs
  • Evaluating operational contingencies for weather, fire, and traffic
  • Landfill gas and groundwater monitoring programs (detection and evaluation)

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