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Hazardous Waste Services On-Call – Caltrans District 11 San Diego and Imperial Counties

Soil along highways contain hazardous waste levels of lead

Sampling for lead in soil along Decker Road in Malibu for Southern California Edison

GIS mapping of lead in soil along highways

Statistical analysis of lead in soil to determine reuse or disposal options

Soil samples collected for laboratory analysis of lead

Correlation of total and soluble lead to evaluate soil reuse as fill

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) 12 Districts manage more than 50,000 miles of California’s highway and freeway lanes. The Bodhi Group has been providing on-call hazardous waste services to District 11, which serves San Diego and Imperial Counties, since 2008.

The Bodhi Group performs:

  • Statistical analysis of Aerially-Deposited Lead (ADL)-impacted shallow soil. Using GIS, geospatial databases, and EPA statistical software, the Bodhi Group statistically analyzes total and leaching lead concentrations and pH for all project data, data co-located by area, and by depth. Representative concentrations are compared with levels agreed to by Caltrans and State Regulators to use hazardous waste (based on ADL soil type) as fill on the project, thereby reducing costly landfill disposal of hazardous waste and reducing carbon impacts from transportation and disposal at landfills.
  • Phase 2 environmental site assessment and soil sampling for delineation of contaminant impacts and waste characterization.
  • Preparation of soil management plans that provides procedures for managing contaminated soil, manage stockpiled (or containerized) waste, contaminated soil reuse, and transportation/disposal of waste.
  • Preparation of community health and safety plans that provide procedures to reduce public exposure to contamination (lead, pesticides, petroleum impacts) during project construction.

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